Monday, March 7, 2022


                          TODAY'S THOUGHT : WHAT IS LIFE ?

                 Today's Date : 07March ,2022 ;23 Dwijaa Mesa ,Panchami Tithi


Hi!! Friends - What is Life ?

This really a very very broad question to ponder upon n answer. Isn't it ?

You may term it : A million Dollar Question !!!

Scientifically , we can define Life ,"The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth , reproduction ,functional activity ,and continual change preceding Death ". The simplest definition to describe Life in few words is : The period between the Birth and Death of a living being . We may put it simply : Life is the existence of an human being or animal or plant -flora n fauna. In more elaborate words ,we may describe Life  as the aspect of existence that processes, acts , reacts ,evaluates and evolves through Growth...and so on.....


The meaning of Life can be described  in three words ; those are : Intelligence , Usefulness & Responsibility. The meaning of Life is to find YOUR meaning. What an splendid explanation indeed!!!

Mahatma Gandhi has rightly remarked :


The quality of Life depends upon the individuals activities , contribution to the Nation or Society. This does not not merely depend upon the Life span. Swami Vivekananda lived for only 39 years ; but he is still alive in our memories for his practical ,brave, courageous ,roaring Sayings , which aroused our Nation internationally- across the Globe. Similarly , the life span of Adi Sankaracharya was too short. But his divine works, deeds, preachings ,teachings aroused the whole nation . The words of our Gopabandhu Das that a man does not live in years, months ,days or moments...but a man lives by his good deeds. Please ponder over the great sayings of these illustrious masters...

Yes, Friends - when we say she or he lived " in full life " - we understand that she or he lived  life with  duty, dedication to works n deeds wholeheartedly in a very intelligent way. We may term this as the Art of Living. The lives of great men has indeed impressed n influenced our society in a very big way.

Now , Friends - we may conclude by putting the following Landmark Lines on Life :

LIFE is a Dream for the WISE ,

LIFE is a Game for the FOOL,

LIFE is a Comedy for the Rich,

LIFE is a Tragedy for the Poor...

Now, Friends it's our turn : how to live our lives ? Live Life King size!!!



In my humble opinion - Life is your work ,deed ,assigned duties , dedication for the society -where we live in...

Hence , Work as a Laborer ; Enjoy like a Princely Entrepreneur... 

LIVE Life with Love & Laugh...


Text : Shri Surendra Nath Pradhan , Retd. Manager Extension , OPOLFED , Laxmisagar , Bhubaneswar, Odisha , India.

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