Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Maa : The Mother

Today is 08th May ,2022 ; Sunday - Mesha 25 days, Saptamee Tithi 



                         Maa: The Mother 


When one utters the word Maa - the Mother , one feels secure ; secure from any imminent or approaching obstacles, danger situations.

The 2nd Sunday of May has been observed as the Mother's Day across the World in many countries . This year 2nd Sunday of May falls on 08 th May ,2022.

The American Activist Anna Jarvis has been regarded as the founder of Mother's Day in America. At her initiatives , Mother's Day was first celebrated on 10 May , 1908 in Grafton , West Virginia.  

Mother is the Store House of all virtues, all good qualities- be it kindness, humbleness, empathetic, sympathetic, loyalty, loving, caring, sharing , hard work, workaholic, patience, tolerance , softness, fondness , tenderness etc.

You name any good quality or virtue , a Mother possesses all the same.

Friends ! I had penned a Blog on Mother - entitled as  " Maa ,Mother : the most precious , potent , pious word across the World " on   18 April ,2022 . I implore all of you to peruse the same.

Wish You All : A very Happy Mother's Day...


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day / Dt.10th May,2020

Today is 10th May,2020; Baishakh 20days, Mesha 28days,1942 Shakaabda, Sunday.


        Happy Mother's Day 🎉


(Mother Yashoda with Little Master Krushna)


 Friends, Today is the most pious day, the Mother's Day.
We in India, USA, Canada, Belgium, Bhutan, Bangaladesh, Pakistan, Finland, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan and other countries world over celebrate Mother's Day on 2nd Sunday of May , every year. In some other countries, such as Angola, Hungary, Romania, Spain- Mother's Day is observed on First Sunday of May annually.
Other countries, such as Afghanistan, Armenia, Russia do not celebrate a special Mother's Day ; these countries observe honouring women on 8th March, annually -
the International Women's Day.
Going back to the history of observances of Mother's Day, it dates back to 1600AD, when the officials and servants of Royal Families of England went on vacation to their villages and native places to meet their mothers , during the months of March to May, every year. It was also called " Mothering Sunday".
The first official Mother's Day was celebrated at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia on 10 th May, 1908 at the arduous initiatives of Anna Jarvis in America.

(Anna Jarvis)
     The American activist Anna Jarvis is regarded as the founder of Mother's Day in USA.  On this Mother's Day, people honour their Mothers, motherhood and maternal 
      In Hindu traditions, Mother's Day is celebrated as "Mata Tirtha Aunshi",  i.e. Mother Pilgrimage Fortnight. It is being observed in Nepal every year on Baishakh Amavasya. The festival of " Ullambana" is celebrated as Mother's Day in Buddhist Communities. There is no specific day marked for Mother's Day in Islam. However, the Quran teaches that the children should give priority to loving their Mothers.  In Churches, the Christians pray Mother virgin Mary.   So, Friends! such few are  the events of celebration of Mother's Day in different faiths in different ways in different countries.                                          
   Yes, Friends! while browsing the net in  ,  I came across  these     wonderful  lines narrating the virtues of Mother .
M - Million things she gave me
             O - Only that she's growing old        .                   
               T- Tears she shed to save me                          
    H- Her Heart of purest gold              
        E -  Eyes of her , with love light            
R - Right & Right, she will shining always be ... 
Friends,we know the deep love, likingness, cares, nourishments of Maa Yashoda for Sri Krishna, Maa Kausalya for Sri Rama, Maa Seeta for Lav & Kusha and so on. 
Let us pay respects to our Mothers to seek their Blessings.

(Text - SurendraNath Pradhan)                                



A Nymph in the Well

 Today is 11 May 2022 ; Mesha 28 days , Dashami Tithi      ********************      A Nymph in the Well *********************** There is a ...