Showing posts with label Good Idea Good Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Idea Good Life. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022


                                   An Idea can change your Life


       Today is April 10 , 2022 ; Chaitra20 days , Shree RAMA Navami

 Hi ! Friends ... Hello !!Well Wishers ...Welcome 

It's truly told that an Idea can change your Life.

Yes , Friends - Yes ... a single good idea can change your dry, dull , dilapidated life to a more promising , potential , vibrating , vital ,agile -active , enjoyable -enthusiastic LIFE . That single strong idea - can motivate you , move you , step up -step forward you ,awaken your mind to do meaningful activities in your valued Life.

Friends ! I came across a well said quote of Madhusudan Rao , the noted devotional poet - Bhakta Kabi of Odisha yesterday( on dated 09 April ,2022 - the SAMAJA ,Odia daily- Editorial Page No.06)

I can put the inner meaning , the message of the said Odia verse penned by Madhusudan Rao - this way , more appropriately - exactly - as for as I can able to narrate , present before my valued Readers.

" If you wish to achieve success in your Life , then with a vigorous , serious single mindedness - concentrate , focus on the goal in an appropriate planned manner . Carryout your activities with apt attention- dexterity , and go ahead skillfully ."

These puritan immortal words  of our revered Devotional Poet Madhusudan Rao , in the said Odia verse , has have the hidden treasure of knowledge and wisdom . The said verse narrates the potentiality of a concentrated , controlled mind  - which can facilitate to achieve the desired goal .

The poet has emphasized to carry out the work in a skillful way , so that the assigned work can be completed on time.

So , Friends - please be careful in your Life ; lead & live a meaningful Life.  We can say that the intelligent woman/ man  lived her/his life in full ; in other way to put it simply - we can say that S/he  lived in FULL LIFE.


Text : Shri Surendra Nath Pradhan , Retired Manager , Extension , OPOLFED , Laxmisagar , Bhubaneswar  ,Odisha ,India. Cell No. : 9937633389 / 7978416626 .

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